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Puntuació mitjana 325 Ressenyes
Arthur l'être humain ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Great ! The street is quiet and the restaurant is simple. The waitress was very attentive and the portions generous. The lacquered pork bibimbap is very good. 👍 (Original) Super ! La rue est calme et le restaurant est simple. La serveuse était très attentionnée et les portions généreuse. Le bibimbap au porc laqué est bien bon. 👍

fa 11 mesos
myrtille ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Really good place, we eat really well (Original) Vraiment une bonne adresse, on mange vraiment très bien

fa 1 any
Gloria Miler ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Take away. Weird tasting kimchi that gave me diarrhea. Spring rolls, not as good as before. Has the cook changed? (Original) A emporter. Kimchi au goût bizarre qui m'a donné la diarrhée. Nems, moins bons qu'avant. Le cuisinier a changé ?

fa 1 any
Xavier Av ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) It is indeed consistent with the notes: it is very good. The terrace is pleasant, not too noisy. The waitress is friendly and the service is quick. The prices are very reasonable. (Original) C’est effectivement conforme aux notes : c’est très bon. La terrasse est agréable, pas trop bruyante. La serveuse est sympathique et le service est rapide.les prix sont très corrects.

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Lara Jackman Marco ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) We have ordered a dish from each type of cuisine and it has been great. Very tasty. The attention of the waitress, despite not speaking French, excellent, she has taken care that we were well. Thank you so much. (Original) Hemos pedido un plato de cada tipo de cocina y ha sido estupendo. Muy sabrosa. La atención de la camarera, pese a no hablar nosotros francés , excelente, se ha preocupado de que estuviésemos bien. Muchas gracias.

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Angel ha valorat a Google

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Xavier Av ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) It is indeed consistent with the notes: it is very good. The terrace is pleasant, not too noisy. The waitress is friendly and the service is quick. The prices are very reasonable. (Original) C’est effectivement conforme aux notes : c’est très bon. La terrasse est agréable, pas trop bruyante. La serveuse est sympathique et le service est rapide.les prix sont très corrects.

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Hợp Nguyễn Thị ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) The restaurant is clean, the waitress is very cute and the bibimbap is delicious🥰 (Original) Le restaurant est propre, la serveuse est très mignonne et le bibimbap est délicieux🥰

fa 1 any
Karen FANÉ ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) A restaurant that I discovered thanks to my Asian culinary flights that was good anyway (Original) Un restaurant que j’ai découvert grâce à mes envolées culinaires asiatiques c’était bon en tout cas

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Blandine Poulin ha valorat a Google

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Ai-Hua Restaurant 爱华小馆© 2024
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27 Rue de la Reine Blanche
75013 Paris, France

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